Raw food is healing food.
What is eating raw food all about?
How does it make you feel great?
Come to my home near Strangford to learn more about eating fresh, healthy food.
Have a tour round my forest garden and discover health giving foods that you can easily grow yourself.
What you’ll get out of a visit to
eatRAWfeelgreat with me:
make an appointment to spend 2-3 hours with me in my kitchen preparing delicious, healthy food
discover the benefits of raw food
recipes for smoothies, juices, dips, salads, main courses, desserts and snacks
sample foods to take home
substantial lunch
learn about how to grow sprouts and make fermented vegetables
tips on how to incorporate raw food into your life
hand out with facts, ideas and information on resources and suppliers
walk round my forest garden
ongoing support by email or telephone
optional cooked recipes, including Ayurvedic food
Frequently Asked Questions
When food is cooked it can lose up to 80% of its nutritional value - vitamins and minerals, enzymes. When heated above a temperature over 118 deg Fahrenheit / 47.8 deg Celsius all the enzymes are destroyed.
Raw green leafy vegetables are full of healing enzymes, vitamins and minerals, especially the alkalizing minerals - calcium, magnesium and iron.
They are the most important source of chlorophyll. The chemical make-up of chlorophyll differs from human blood in only one nucleus. The nucleus of human blood is iron: the nucleus of chlorophyll is magnesium. Green salads, smoothies and juices cleanse the blood and increase energy and vitality.
The food industry a multi-trillion pound business constantly looking for ways to make you buy more of their product. To do this they chemically alter food with sugar, corn syrup, salt, MSG, E numbers (to mention just a few) to make you want more and more (i.e. to become addicted).
"Processed, pasteurized, genetically modified, hormonally altered, microwaved, irradiated, fried, hydrogenated, fumigated, larvicide-, fungicide-, and pesticide-sprayed ‘food’ is not normal or natural." David Wolfe
An ample supply of protein is found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds (especially hemp), sprouted seeds, avocados, olives and coconut.
Vitamin B12 is not found in plant foods, except wild foods like nettles and clover. Carnivores, vegetarians and vegans alike can find themselves deficient in B12, with symptoms including lethargy and apathy.
Green leafy vegetables, carrots, seaweeds, chia and sesame seeds.
Silica (nettles, hemp leaves, horsetail, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers) and magnesium (raw cacao, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, green leafy vegetables) form calcium in the body.
Zinc: Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and poppy seeds; cashews, pecans and pine nuts; coconuts.
Iron: Onions, shallots, raw cacao, cherries, blackberries, nettles, parsley, most green leafy vegetables, sea vegetables.
Soaking nuts and seeds in water washes away the enzyme inhibitors (which stop the seed or nut from growing) and deactivates acids. They become more digestible and alkaline.
Sprouting greatly increases the nutritional value, breaks down the protein into amino acids, changes the starches into simple sugars and the fats into soluble fatty acids, making them more digestible. The enzyme and vitamin content are increased making sprouting an inexpensive and easy way of getting concentrated nutrition.
www.ukjuicers.com (juicers, dehydrators, food processors, blenders)
www.detoxtrading.co.uk (organic superfoods, nuts, seeds, cacao, medicinal mushrooms, seaweed)
www.buywholefoodsonline.co.uk (organic superfoods, nuts, seeds, cacao, all manner of quality food stuffs)